Seamless Surfaces – A Digital Resource
It’s always a struggle to picture what fabric samples will look like in a finished office space. That’s why our surface scanning and tileable editing gives a photorealistic impression of how fabrics and textures look in your space while removing subtle shadowing and distorted edges. Whether it’s upholstery, flooring, wallcovering, or furniture finishes, make sure your products are accurately represented in a digital image.Scan & Colour Correct
Whilst considering pattern repeats, we scan sections from a supplied physical material sample. A high resolution scaled digital duplicate is edited to remove imperfections and colour corrected to replicate its true tone.

CAD software will automatically tile a material sample across the surface of an object. We take care to remove subtle shadowing and align distorted edges that would otherwise distract from the overall image.

Reliable Visualisation
Change the range of colour instantly to alter the style of a space with the confidence that the digital material is a reliable representation of the real-world product. Generic block colours and unrealistic finishes are a thing of the past.
We have been working with Camira for several years to create tileable scans of their textiles – enabling their customers to create lifelike depictions of their upholstery choices. We believe our expertise has been invaluable in allowing Camira to develop their digital offering. Don’t take our word for it, view our case study and Q&A.
Are your online surface images of the highest standard? Do they tile seamlessly across products within a CAD software? In an industry where it has become an expectation to offer 3D visualisations of a proposed space, it is just as important to ensure the surfaces; from upholstery to flooring; are represented accurately within the scene.
If you require Material Scanning please drop us an email at or pick up the phone to discuss further 01908 534204.