Material Editing
It’s a struggle to imagine what a material sample will look like across an entire piece of furniture, let alone how it will complement a space. 3D visualisation is a common expectation on many design projects. However, images of surface materials are often not up to the task to tile seamlessly across a product or surface. Our material editing gives a lifelike result of how a surface should look.
Seamless Textures!
We photograph physical material samples before manipulating them digitally. This process ensures the image is aligned and at the highest resolution. The sample needs to be A4 or the minimum pattern repeat. Once loaded, we will remove imperfections and colour correct to replicate is true tone.
If you already have high-resolution images, we can use these to develop seamless textures. We will remove subtle shadowing, match patterns, and align distorted edges that would otherwise distract from the overall image.
Whether your material is textiles, flooring, wallcovering, or surface finishes, make it a priority to ensure your products are accurately represented and offered as a digital resource.